produece more than 3 million tons of Orange (Maradian
/ Kino) per year, which is on the rise. In the oranges
cultivated in Pakistan, the flavour is distinctly
aromatic, the use pesticides is minimal and use is
made of only the natural fertilizers.
Kino is sun-ripened on the trees and given the time
to grow in full naturally and then hand-picked by
skilled workers.
oranges are then Imported safely with great care and
speed to our state-of-the-art processing plant where
it is methodically sorted to eliminate damaged, or
unripe pieces, after final approval by the Quality
Control Department, the approved fruit is passed on
the modern plant for washing and waxing processes.
After this stage, the automatic grading is carried
out according
size. Finally these are safely and securely packed
in world-class cartons with protective layers that
ensures a perfectly fresh and hygienic delivery with
all the natural taste and nourishments.
Since the business was started we have been introducing
our own designs of Packages of Kino Mandarins. Nowadays
our brands and packages have become very popular in
all Foreign Fruits markets